The heart of our community ~ promoting learning through play

We have two rooms, The Pod for children age 2-3yrs and our Pre-School where children go the term after their 3rd birthday.
Both rooms offer a wide range of activities to help our children learn and develop through play. We follow ‘planning in the moment’ which means our staff don’t spend a large amount of time preparing daily or weekly plans but focus their time and efforts on preparing an engaging and stimulating environment with materials and toys that will excite and interest the children. Our children choose what they would like to do based on their own interests and talents and our staff join them and support them in this.
We are able to offer a wide range of toys, materials and apparatus in both rooms including a sensory room in The Pod for our younger children. All of these support our staff in promoting and re-inforcing the 7 stages of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Communication and language.
Physical development.
Personal, social and emotional development.
Understanding the world.
Expressive arts and design.
We are very happy to show any prospective parents around so you can see these for yourself so please don’t hesitate to get in touch and arrange this with our Manager, Mrs Thomson.
We are very fortunate to have a large outdoor space at Playgroup and the children love to make the most of it. We have an outdoor classroom, wendy house, climbing frame and slide, mud kitchen, play caravan and lots of bikes and trikes for the children to enjoy. In August 2022 we also developed a fantastic outdoor learning area which will further add to our wonderful garden area.